Douglas Santos  Close X  Positivo Digital Book  Close X 

Positivo Digital Book

Project Overview


Specialized in the digital and printed educational segment, Positivo publishes and sells didactic, para-literary and literary books, atlases and dictionaries, highlighting the most important dictionary of the Portuguese language, the Aurelio Dictionary. With its educational systems, it is present in more than 1,300 municipalities and 5,000 schools in Brazil and Japan.


The company has a tradition of innovation and technology for educational projects, one of the most important projects in which I worked, was a personalized digital book, which teachers and educators could assemble their own book, with contents, themes and all learning objects available in the educational system.

My Role

Product development and architecture, wireframes, UI/UX and prototyping.


Pen and Paper (Storyboarding), Adobe Illustrator (Interface and Visual Design), InVision Studio and HTML, JS and CSS (Prototype).

The Process

Discovery & Problem Definition

I participated this project since first ideas and the first phase was to develop its core technology and architecture. The main problem was define how this project back end works, besides the construction and storage of the the digital book and its contents. Thereafter, create a system that educators, some of them with limited knowledge of technology, could easily assemble the digital book from the available content library.


The aim was to create a hub that educators can select predefined themes content and include on the custom digital book, each content has its own structure, tags and code, making possible to optmize developing. The use of LRS, or Learning Record Store, was essential to connect and store every user interaction and, by using machine learning, sugest different contents that may be useful and assential for that learning trail.


Two main development paths, programming and content were identified. Each could be developed in parallel, by programmers, ux and web designers building up the architecture, interface and interactions of the digital book and educators, editors and reviewers creating its content.

Information Architecture

The digital book has essentialy the contents and themes of the educational system, the interface and UX of the application and the codes and tags that conects to the LRS and other contents of the system, resulting on a complex learning trail of the user, wich data are stored for its better learning experience.


The first interactive prototype was done with Invision. I defined UI elements, layout, design patterns, visual hierarchy and interactions. The project is still in progress for adaptations to the Brazilian education system and may deploy by late 2020 on Positivo educational system.